Advanced process control, commonly referred as multivariable predictive control (MPC) or model predictive control, includes model based predictive software that improves process operations. Industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, metals and mining and power generation typically require near-real-time process controls. In fact, some processes are so vulnerable to disruptions that APC's autonomous and predictive capabilities are crucial. Advanced process control systems, or APCs, are frequently utilised as an optimising engine to boost profits for a variety of operating variables. The features of advanced control methods include process modelling and parameter identification, process model-based behaviour prediction, and performance criterion evaluation with respect to process constraints. Adaptive control, multivariable control, model predictive control, fuzzy control, robust control, optimal control, and neural network-based control are examples of advanced control approaches. Advanced control is a high level control technique that interacts with unit control loops such as PID controllers which in-turn are controlled by lower level subprocesses.
Advanced process control operations can optimise the process, capture significant improvements in throughput, yield, recovery, and also bring about energy savings. We provide end to end solutions from consulting to implementation, revamp, and support for advanced process control systems for various industries. Our solutions enable manufacturing companies to improve and optimize process operations to achieve operational excellence. The typical advanced process control benefits you can get from our solution and services offerings are:
Helium Consulting has a well assembled Advanced Process Control (APC) team which is expert in helping customers with state-of-the-art solutions in Advanced Process Control (APC) ranging from implementation, consulting, support to workforce training.
Helium Consulting identifies areas in the plant where increase in profitability while reaching production targets can be focused on. Amidst the need for rapid agility to adapt to changing market demands, Helium Consulting’s Advanced Process Control implementations allow the customer to continue experiencing the benefits as the organization grows.